Air Duct Cleaning in Allen Texas

Fresh Air now provides air duct cleaning in Allen, Texas which has a population of more than 80,000 people. It is essential that Fresh Air Duct Cleaning provides air duct cleaning in Allen, TX, with so many residents. Our team is capable of serving the Greater Dallas Area when it comes to the wide range of services we have to offer.

Air duct cleaning in Allen, TX is one of the most popular services we have to offer because of how frequent and essential it is to a home’s health. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) recommends homeowners receive air duct cleanings every three to four years. When is the last time you had your air ducts cleaned?

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Air Duct Repair and Replacement Services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque maximus lacinia risus, non porta nulla semper sit amet. Sed scelerisque tincidunt justo sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id orci est. Etiam quis risus ac ipsum fringilla rhoncus eget vitae quam. Donec sem metus, accumsan eget sagittis at, aliquam sed tortor. Integer ornare sapien ac mi laoreet auctor. Ut volutpat egestas libero quis eleifend. Aliquam auctor ligula ex.

Praesent id turpis pretium, mollis nisl et, vestibulum dolor. Aenean commodo efficitur posuere. Integer iaculis tellus eget purus tincidunt, eu malesuada libero rutrum. Vestibulum est urna, tempus ac mauris finibus, placerat pulvinar leo. Integer molestie dolor id laoreet auctor. Ut quis interdum nulla. Quisque ullamcorper sollicitudin lectus eu aliquam. Ut convallis ipsum at nulla ornare, eget fermentum mauris vulputate. Phasellus auctor viverra massa. Morbi consequat quam id metus tempor hendrerit. Integer blandit sollicitudin finibus. Suspendisse ornare libero vitae tellus sagittis mollis.

Why Choose Our Air Duct Services?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque maximus lacinia risus, non porta nulla semper sit amet. Sed scelerisque tincidunt justo sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id orci est. Etiam quis risus ac ipsum fringilla rhoncus eget vitae quam. Donec sem metus, accumsan eget sagittis at, aliquam sed tortor. Integer ornare sapien ac mi laoreet auctor. Ut volutpat egestas libero quis eleifend. Aliquam auctor ligula ex.

Praesent id turpis pretium, mollis nisl et, vestibulum dolor. Aenean commodo efficitur posuere. Integer iaculis tellus eget purus tincidunt, eu malesuada libero rutrum. Vestibulum est urna, tempus ac mauris finibus, placerat pulvinar leo. Integer molestie dolor id laoreet auctor. Ut quis interdum nulla.

Affordable Air Duct Services Near You

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque maximus lacinia risus, non porta nulla semper sit amet. Sed scelerisque tincidunt justo sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id orci est. Etiam quis risus ac ipsum fringilla rhoncus eget vitae quam. Donec sem metus, accumsan eget sagittis at, aliquam sed tortor. Integer ornare sapien ac mi laoreet auctor. Ut volutpat egestas libero quis eleifend. Aliquam auctor ligula ex.

Praesent id turpis pretium, mollis nisl et, vestibulum dolor. Aenean commodo efficitur posuere. Integer iaculis tellus eget purus tincidunt, eu malesuada libero rutrum. Vestibulum est urna, tempus ac mauris finibus, placerat pulvinar leo. Integer molestie dolor id laoreet auctor. Ut quis interdum nulla.

215 Billings St, Arlington, TX

Get Our AC Cleaning Service

Allen, TX, is a wonderful place to start your family and career based on the many accolades it has received from major publications. Fresh Air Duct Cleaning wholeheartedly believes in these rewards and so much more about Allen. If you live in the Allen, TX, area, we recommend contacting our team for professional duct cleaning. Air duct cleaning in Allen, TX, is as important as anywhere else in the United States.

By receiving an air duct cleaning every few years, you can improve your home’s indoor air quality. Let our team remove dander, dust, dirt, pollen, mold spores, and more from your home. By doing so, you can breathe cleaner, healthier air and clean less as there will be so much less dust in your home. Give us a call today at (214) 239-1832. Learn more about our air duct cleaning in Allen, TX on our service page.

Fresh Air Duct Cleaning Allen TX

Fast and Efficient Air Duct Cleaning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque maximus lacinia risus, non porta nulla semper sit amet. Sed scelerisque tincidunt justo sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id orci est. Etiam quis risus ac ipsum fringilla rhoncus eget vitae quam. Donec sem metus, accumsan eget sagittis at, aliquam sed tortor. Integer ornare sapien ac mi laoreet auctor. Ut volutpat egestas libero quis eleifend. Aliquam auctor ligula ex.

Praesent id turpis pretium, mollis nisl et, vestibulum dolor. Aenean commodo efficitur posuere. Integer iaculis tellus eget purus tincidunt, eu malesuada libero rutrum. Vestibulum est urna, tempus ac mauris finibus, placerat pulvinar leo. Integer molestie dolor id laoreet auctor. Ut quis interdum nulla. Quisque ullamcorper sollicitudin lectus eu aliquam. Ut convallis ipsum at nulla ornare, eget fermentum mauris vulputate. Phasellus auctor viverra massa. Morbi consequat quam id metus tempor hendrerit. Integer blandit sollicitudin finibus. Suspendisse ornare libero vitae tellus sagittis mollis.

The Benefits of Regular Air Duct Cleaning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque maximus lacinia risus, non porta nulla semper sit amet. Sed scelerisque tincidunt justo sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id orci est. Etiam quis risus ac ipsum fringilla rhoncus eget vitae quam. Donec sem metus, accumsan eget sagittis at, aliquam sed tortor. Integer ornare sapien ac mi laoreet auctor. Ut volutpat egestas libero quis eleifend. Aliquam auctor ligula ex.

Praesent id turpis pretium, mollis nisl et, vestibulum dolor. Aenean commodo efficitur posuere. Integer iaculis tellus eget purus tincidunt, eu malesuada libero rutrum. Vestibulum est urna, tempus ac mauris finibus, placerat pulvinar leo. Integer molestie dolor id laoreet auctor. Ut quis interdum nulla. Quisque ullamcorper sollicitudin lectus eu aliquam. Ut convallis ipsum at nulla ornare, eget fermentum mauris vulputate. Phasellus auctor viverra massa. Morbi consequat quam id metus tempor hendrerit. Integer blandit sollicitudin finibus. Suspendisse ornare libero vitae tellus sagittis mollis.

Customer After Air Duct Cleaning
Customer During Dryer Vent Cleaning

Reliable Air Duct Cleaning and Sanitizing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque maximus lacinia risus, non porta nulla semper sit amet. Sed scelerisque tincidunt justo sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id orci est. Etiam quis risus ac ipsum fringilla rhoncus eget vitae quam. Donec sem metus, accumsan eget sagittis at, aliquam sed tortor. Integer ornare sapien ac mi laoreet auctor. Ut volutpat egestas libero quis eleifend. Aliquam auctor ligula ex.

Praesent id turpis pretium, mollis nisl et, vestibulum dolor. Aenean commodo efficitur posuere. Integer iaculis tellus eget purus tincidunt, eu malesuada libero rutrum. Vestibulum est urna, tempus ac mauris finibus, placerat pulvinar leo. Integer molestie dolor id laoreet auctor. Ut quis interdum nulla. Quisque ullamcorper sollicitudin lectus eu aliquam. Ut convallis ipsum at nulla ornare, eget fermentum mauris vulputate. Phasellus auctor viverra massa. Morbi consequat quam id metus tempor hendrerit. Integer blandit sollicitudin finibus. Suspendisse ornare libero vitae tellus sagittis mollis.

Air Duct Maintenance & Repair

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque maximus lacinia risus, non porta nulla semper sit amet. Sed scelerisque tincidunt justo sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id orci est. Etiam quis risus ac ipsum fringilla rhoncus eget vitae quam. Donec sem metus, accumsan eget sagittis at, aliquam sed tortor. Integer ornare sapien ac mi laoreet auctor. Ut volutpat egestas libero quis eleifend. Aliquam auctor ligula ex.

Praesent id turpis pretium, mollis nisl et, vestibulum dolor. Aenean commodo efficitur posuere. Integer iaculis tellus eget purus tincidunt, eu malesuada libero rutrum. Vestibulum est urna, tempus ac mauris finibus, placerat pulvinar leo. Integer molestie dolor id laoreet auctor. Ut quis interdum nulla. Quisque ullamcorper sollicitudin lectus eu aliquam. Ut convallis ipsum at nulla ornare, eget fermentum mauris vulputate. Phasellus auctor viverra massa. Morbi consequat quam id metus tempor hendrerit. Integer blandit sollicitudin finibus. Suspendisse ornare libero vitae tellus sagittis mollis.

Customer During Chimney Sweep

Get Your Free Quote Today

If you are interested in quality air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, or chimney cleaning for your Allen home, reach out to our team today by calling 214-239-1832 or filling out the “Request Quote” form. Our team is happy to assist you in maintaining the quality and health of your home.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does air duct cleaning take?

The process of cleaning your air ducts varies on your home. On average, you can expect the service to last between two to four hours. Larger homes or those with pets make take longer. Plus, the length of the service depends on the last time you had an air duct cleaning. If you have gone a long time without air duct cleaning then the service will most likely take longer. 

Does my ductwork need to be replaced?

More often than not, your air ducts need to be cleaned. However, there are times when your air ducts may need to be replaced. The most common cause of ductwork replacement is age. Ductwork over the age of 10 should be replaced. If your ductwork is older then you can expect degradation in the seams, seals, and connections. Other signs of needing a ductwork replacement include:

  • lack of airflow
  • uneven temperatures in your home
  • damage, dents, or holes in the ductwork
  • mold growth
  • noisy or loud while operating
  • improper installation

Contact Fresh Air Duct Cleaning to determine if you truly need your ductwork repaired or just cleaned.

What equipment does Fresh Air Duct Cleaning use to clean air ducts?

Here at Fresh Air Duct Cleaning, we only use state-of-the-art technology by leading manufacturers in the United States. When it comes to cleaning air ducts, we use two major pieces of technology:  Rotobrush® BrushBeast™  and Air-Care™ Negative Air Machines. These two leading companies have developed efficient and effective machines that allow our technicians to complete the job to the fullest.

The BrushBeast is equipped with four vacuum motors and a 420 RPM brush. This machine can remove dirt, dust, dander, pollen, and other pollutants from your air ducts. As it removes the pollutants from the air duct, it sucks them, so they are unable to escape.

The negative air machine connects directly to the air ducts and removes toxic gases from the air. Creating a vacuum in your air duct filters allows the air to be filtered and not escape. The filtered air is separated from carbon monoxide, radon, and other deadly air pollutants.

Each of our technicians is trained and internally-certified on each of these machines, so they can deliver the results you want.

What is creosote?

Creosote is a chemical that is let off by wood. As it enters the chimney’s flue, it meets cooler air, which causes it to condense. By doing so, it sticks to the surface of the chimney. Specific types of wood produce more creosote than others. You should avoid woods that are wet to the touch. Damp wood will produce more creosote, and you’ll need more frequent cleanings. You should also be mindful of the type of wood you burn in your fireplace as some woods produce more creosote than others. It is important to remove creosote from your chimney because it never goes away until it is cleaned. As you continue to burn, more and more creosote is added to the existing layers. Without annual cleanings, the creosote will create a blockage, and the chimney will become inoperable.

What methods do you use for air duct cleaning?

At Fresh Air Duct Cleaning Services, we use state-of-the-art methods and equipment to ensure thorough and efficient air duct cleaning. Our process includes HEPA filtration systems that capture 99.97% of particles, rotary brush systems to dislodge debris, and negative air machines to maintain proper airflow and suction. These advanced tools allow us to provide superior cleaning, improving indoor air quality and HVAC efficiency. In addition to air duct cleaning, we offer comprehensive Cypress AC Services to keep your entire HVAC system in top condition. Trust Fresh Air Duct Cleaning Services for professional, high-quality cleaning using the latest technology.

What kind of dryer vent tubing or duct should I have?

Your dryer vent tubing or duct attached to your dryer should be metal. Metal tape or fasteners should also connect the tubing correctly. If your tubing is plastic, then have it changed immediately. Plastic dryer vent tubing is considered a fire hazard and should be replaced with a metal version.

When it comes to metal tubing, there are many different types you can have. Aluminum foil ducts are some of the most common because of their wide availability and price. These tubes are flexible and collapsable, which gives them ridges on their sides.

Another duct type is the slim duct or periscope duct. This type of duct was created to fit into tight spaces. The periscope duct is not very long and should be placed to the closest point to the outside as possible. Your dryer will most likely be close to the wall and in a small space.

Finally, you may potentially have a rigid metal duct, which is usually used for concealed areas. It may be on the wall, floor, or ceiling of your home. This is the most efficient type of dryer duct because it has a smooth interior allowing air to pass through at a higher rate. Rigid tubes and vents act as speedbumps slowing down the air and causing the dryer to work less efficiently.

Can I clean my own dryer vent?

Yes! You can clean your own dryer vent. Many hardware stores sell dryer vent cleaning kits. These kits containing a brush and flexible attachments to get through the entire vent. It is important to know that these dryer vent cleaning kits are not as effective or efficient as the technology our team uses. For a completely clean dryer vent, call Fresh Air Duct Cleaning.

What should I do to prepare my home for air duct cleaning?

Preparing your home for air duct cleaning with Fresh Air Duct Cleaning Services is simple and ensures a smooth process. Start by clearing the area around your vents and HVAC system to provide easy access for our technicians. Make sure pets and children are in a safe space during the cleaning. Inform our team of any specific concerns or areas you’d like us to focus on. With these preparations, Fresh Air Duct Cleaning Services and Cypress AC Services can efficiently improve your home’s air quality and HVAC performance.

What does the R-value mean in insulation?

Insulation is rated by the R-value, which is how well it is at preventing heat from entering and exiting the home. Depending on where you live, the R-value varies. The map below is what Energy Star recommends based on where you live in the United States.

Energy Star R-Values Map