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Property owners often have to deal with significant damages, health risks, and energy costs due to the presence of fungi, mold, mildew, bacteria, and viruses that have taken over their home or business premises. Such organisms can pose a risk to your furniture, equipment, tools, and even your health! For this reason, you must implement adequate safety measures to clean and sanitize the indoor air quality and improve the lives of everyone living or working inside the property. If you haven’t heard of UV air purifiers, you’re about to get your mind blown at its many benefits and how a simple air purifier installation can do so much for you and your property.

UV Air Purifier: What Is It?

As its name suggests, a UV air purifier uses UV rays to kill, minimize, or stop the growth of the organisms mentioned above. Its efficiency and effectiveness depend on how far away it’s located from the bacteria or fungi and its intensity. You might have heard of several air purifier benefits, but this one- in particular- provides the same benefits for your property as natural sunlight would. However, don’t confuse this UV light with the harmful UVB or UVA light. These cleaners use UVC light, which is mostly absorbed the atmospheric ozone before reaching us. Let’s take a look at the benefits of air purifier installation- either into your HVAC or as a standalone system:

Health Benefits of UV Air Purifiers

As we all know, mold, mildew, moss, and fungi can present several health risks, such as respiratory issues, eye irritations, sore throats, allergy, and headaches. Most homeowners and commercial property owners typically schedule a yearly air duct cleaning service to ensure that all such diseases are at an arm’s length distance.  However, a UV air purifier will work around the year to ensure all such possibilities are at least minimized, and the process of air duct cleaning and other cleaning services are as simple, efficient, and reliable as they can be.

It Promotes Energy Efficiency

Outside particles trapped and building inside your HVAC systems can lead to poor efficiency and indoor air quality. As a result, your HVAC system will utilize more energy to heat or cool the property, thus increasing your overall energy costs. This is especially true for those living in Texas, where summers can be extremely hot and humid. By keeping outside particles and debris out of your property and system and killing bacterial growth, the UV air purifier will ensure adequate functionality and efficiency of all cooling or heating systems.

UV Air Purifier

UV Air Purifier

Reduce Other Costs Involved

Mold and mildew or other such organisms can eat away certain parts of your property without you even noticing the signs of damage. Such consequences can lead to repair or reinstallation costs even before your systems or other property elements have expired. Additionally, your HVAC systems can also outlive their lifespan a lot quicker in the presence of such particles. With air purifier installation and yearly air duct cleaning, you can ensure that you don’t have to face any such downsides of owning a property or running a business.

Maintenance Costs & Cleaning Times

As we mentioned earlier, air purifier benefits include lesser cleaning times for you or the professionals you’ve hired, which means lower costs. Maintaining the property elements, especially the HVAC systems, will become a piece of cake for everyone. Who doesn’t like increased lifespan, low maintenance costs, and reduced cleaning times? So, if you’re still contemplating the idea of air purifier installation, perhaps speaking to a professional will ease your mind.

Give Us a Call

Professionals at Fresh Air Duct Cleaning can help you with the UV air purifier installation and air duct cleaning services in Houston and the nearby cities and communities. Give us a call at (469) 809-6160 now and speak to a professional for further information!